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Make: Electronics: Learning by Discovery: A hands-on primer for the new electronics enthusiast free PDF

Make: Electronics: Learning by Discovery: A hands-on primer for the new electronics enthusiast PDF free download

Make: Electronics: Learning by Discovery: A hands-on primer for the new electronics enthusiast PDF free download


Make: Electronics, in its initial edition, set a new standard for introductory literature. The second edition improved on that, and now the third edition features all-new schematics, pictures, and text that has been totally redone.

Learning by Discovery is a system created by Charles Platt to provide an intriguing, enjoyable, and memorable experience. Building your own circuits—and making your own mistakes—is how you learn.

In reality, making mistakes is a crucial part of the learning process. To discover the limits of electronic components, the book invites you to "burn things out and muck things up." You'll blow a fuse and see an overloaded LED, and you'll be able to break open a relay to examine how it works.

Independent providers (on Amazon) sell low-cost component kits, and the book shows how to shop for them yourself.

Full-color illustrations throughout show you precisely what you need and how to use it.

While Make: Electronics minimises the amount of theory required, it does demonstrate how to calculate the time constant of a capacitor using Ohm's Law and easy algebra.

Basic tools such as pliers and a low-cost multimeter are shown in a buying guide. Transistors switch or amplify current using a simple "finger test." You can solder wires to make a permanent circuit if you like, but soldering isn't required for all of the circuits in the book.

You'll learn how to make a basic circuit that tests your reflexes using integrated circuit chips. A computer combination lock or a game in which participants compete to be the first to click a button are examples of other circuits.

All of the fundamental concepts are demonstrated quickly and easily using low-cost materials. Resistance, capacitance, voltage, amperage, inductance, and the link between electricity and magnetism are among the concepts you'll learn about.

Beginners will love it.

This book is written with the assumption that you have no prior knowledge. It is pleasant, patient, and enjoyable, and it thoroughly explains each idea. People ranging in age from 8 to 84 have sent positive reader feedback. This is the book you should get if you only buy one book about electronics.

Table of Contents

Introduction: How to Have Fun with This Book

Section One: The Basics

Experiment 1: Taste the Power!

Experiment 2: Go with the Flow

Experiment 3: Applying Pressure

Experiment 4: Heat and Power

Experiment 5: Let’s Make a Battery

Section Two: Switching

Experiment 6: Getting Connected

Experiment 7: Investigating a Relay

Experiment 8: A Relay Oscillator

Experiment 9: Time and Capacitors

Experiment 10: Transistor Switching

Experiment 11: Light and Sound

Section Three: Soldering

Experiment 12: Joining Two Wires Together

Experiment 13: Roasting an LED

Experiment 14: A Wearable Multivibrator

Section Four: Chips, Ahoy!

Experiment 15: Emitting a Pulse

Experiment 16: Set Your Tone

Experiment 17: An Alarming Idea

Experiment 18: Reflex Tester

Experiment 19: Learning Logic

Experiment 20: The Unlocker

Experiment 21: The Button Blocker

Experiment 22: Flipping and Bouncing

Experiment 23: Nice Dice

Section Five: What Next?

Experiment 24: Magnetism

Experiment 25: Tabletop Power Generation

Experiment 26: Loudspeaker Destruction

Experiment 27: Making a Coil React

Experiment 28: One Radio, No Solder, No Power

Experiment 29: Hardware Meets Software

Experiment 30: Nicer Dice

Chapter 31: The Learning Process

Appendix A: Specifications

Appendix B: Sources


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